We need financial help in the form of donations so that the MedicalBus can continue to run and support people. The donations will cover the maintenance costs. Of course, the vehicle also needs fuel to get around. As parts of the vehicle also wear out over time and accidents cannot be ruled out, we also use the donations for repairs.

We need the money e.g. for tax and insurance (costs ~500€), planned and unforeseeable repair and maintenance costs (1,000€), technical developments (~200€ e.g. for an awning), support and advice for inquiring activists (~150€ cell phones, ~120€ phone credit, ~300€ travel costs to hand over the MedicalBus), financial support for the activists (~500€ medical material and medication, ~1,000€ travel costs), public relations (~350€ website, flyers, information tours). Wir benötigen das Geld z.B. für die Steuer und Versicherung (kostet ~500€), geplante und unvorhersehbare Reparatur- und Wartungskosten (~1.000€), technische Weiterentwicklungen (~200€ u.a. für eine Markise), Betreuung und Beratung anfragender Aktivist*innen (~150€ Handys, ~120€ Telefonguthaben, ~300€ Fahrtkosten zur Übergabe des MedicalBus), finanzielle Unterstützung der Aktivist*innen (~500€ medizinisches Material und Medikamente, ~1.000€ Fahrtkosten), Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (~350€ Website, Flyer, Infotouren).


If you have money to spare, you can support our project with a one-off donation or a regular sponsoring membership. You can either transfer the money directly or contact us for further arrangements. freuen wir We would also be grateful if you could spread the word and tell your friends about the project.

Support us with your donation!

Medinetz Halle/Saale e.V.

IBAN: DE14 8005 3762 1894 1203 41 reference: medical bus

A donation receipt can be issued. Please send us an e-mail with your address.


If you are interested in using the MedicalBus and for further information, please send us an e-mail.

We are happy about every support!